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Grand Comfort - Machines for cleaning footwear - Equipment for hotels, hairdryers, mini-safes for the rooms, bathroom mirrors, machines for cleaning shoes, minibars, trouser presses. :: Machines for cleaning footwear
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Machines for cleaning footwear

Machines for cleaning footwear HEUTE (Germany)

The company «HEUTE» was founded in 1905 in the German town of Solingen. In 1945 he was first machine for cleaning shoes, which was immediately put into serial production.

Today «HEUTE» is the only company in the world specializing exclusively in the design and manufacture of machines for cleaning shoes and supplies.

Products «HEUTE» are very popular and in demand worldwide, fueled by traditional German quality.
The comb «HEUTE» applies only natural fibers, and even with frequent use, they do not damage the shoe upper and a glossy coat. Cream, specially designed for machines «HEUTE» is available in Germany. Its composition is as necessary for cleaning the facial skin of all types.

Special polish for leather shoe cleaning machine is supplied in colorless single-use bottles of 1L. Leather shoes soaked through the fat layer and remains flexible. Polishing soft brushes made ??of natural fibers gives a natural shine shoes.

2018 Grand Comfort, phone: 8(499) 301-04-61, 8(812) 333-29-92, 8(918) 907-74-72

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